Word-Fill demo

Examples of Word-Fill

Form name/titeleDesriptionLink to demo
Word (Fill) - count, contains, replaceExamples with the functions "cnt(), con() and rep()" for counting, comparing and replacing.Öffnen
Word (Fill) - selectionsExamples with selection lists and the functions "lsttxt(), lsttitle() and lst()".Öffnen
Word (Fill) - checkbox and radio buttonsExamples for generating checkboxes in a Word document with the function "cb()".Öffnen
Word (Fill) - repeating elementsExamples of using repeating elements in a Word document.Öffnen
Word (Fill) - remove functionsExamples with the functions "rmp(), rmr(), rmt() and rmtp()" to delete paragraphs, table rows and tables.Öffnen
Word (Fill) - images and urlExamples with the functions "image(), b64img() and url()" to integrate images and links.Öffnen
Word (Fill) - merge fieldExample how a MergeField can be used to insert formatted text via HTML in the footer.Öffnen

The login credentials for the demo server can be found on the examples page.