The panel attributes lets you add custom attributes to the corresponding HTML elements of each form element. You can access them with JavaScript later, or add existing HTML attributes such as the attribute type for <input> elements.
Adding an attribute
To add an HTML attribute, just enter the name and the value of the attribute into one of the columns. A new, empty column will be added automatically.
Deleting an attribute
Click on the icon to the left to delete an attribute.
Accessing data attributes via JavaScript
If you want to add custom data to an element, use the prefix data- for the name. Additionally, the attribute name should contain no uppercase letters and use dashes to separate words. For example, data-serial-version is a good data attribute, dataSerialVersion is not. When accessing these attributes via JavaScript, remove the dashes and capitalize the first letter of each word.
Assuming the attribute data-serial-version was set to 1aFXc for the element tfSerialVer, you can access this data as follows:
console.log("Serial version is:" , serialVersion);