Double opt-in confirmed

Configuration interface of the action Double opt-in confirmed.

Using the Send double opt-in email action, an email is sent to the user after the form is submitted, which contains a confirmation link. Once the user clicks on this link, confirming the double opt-in process, this event occurs.


React only to
Selection of send double opt-in email action that should trigger this event.

System variables

Events of type Double opt-in confirmed provide Systemvariables which can be used in subsequent actions.

Default variables

Can be used in the new workflow to access the data provided by the current event. This data will be returned as JSON. The individual values of the event can be accessed via JsonPath (see [%$TRIGGER.<JSON_PATH>%]).
Depending on the type of event, different information is provided via the event variables. Specific information of the event can be accessed via JsonPath. Which information the different event types provide can be seen via the infobox at the event.

Event specific variables

This event provides information about the send double opt-in email action that originally triggered the double opt-in process.

name of the send double opt-in email action.
name of the task where the send double opt-in email action is located.
name of the trigger of the task where the send double opt-in email action is located.