Save in file system

The user interface for changing the settings of actions of type save to file system.

Actions of type save to file system make it possible to save files that have been created by other actions on the server. Files that have been created by other actions will be deleted after workflow processing is done when they are not used or saved.


Target folder
The file will be save to this folder on the file system. In case the folder does not exist, the system will attempt to create the folder. Please check whether the you have got permissions to create this folder or contact your system administrator.
Examples for saving files in the user directory of the system:
Windows: C:\Users\fc\form\demo
Linux: /home/fc/form/demo
Create subfolder with the process ID as its name
When checked, a new subfolder will be created with the current process ID as its name, which can be used to separate files from different form records.
Files to be saved
Select the files you wish to be saved.
Files from previous actions: Previous actions that provide files are selectable here. The actions have to be in the same state and be before this actions.
Files from upload elements: Files that have been attched to the form via upload elements are selectable here.